Monday, October 25, 2010

Sephora Friends and Family? Yes Please!

If you enjoy makeup (or hair goop, or tools, or moisturizer, or perfume...) you probably already love Sephora. Now, they have the 20% off Friends and Family (F&F for those in the know)...which makes me very happy.

Predominantly because they don't exclude much, so you can get Dior Mascara, Chanel Perfume, and whatever else at the discount with the code: FF2010 Sure, you can go in the store and ask to use it, but if you buy over $50 you can get free shipping, and there are always those 3 samples with any order. Love Sephora! But hurry, deal ends November 3.

Did I mention this is the perfect time to buy gifts for people? ...and yourself?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Free Sample from Starbucks

Starbucks Free Sample of their new Natural Fusions Vanilla Coffee delivered to your home. Probably not hot and already made. They expect you to do put some effort into it.

Limited quantities, so quick! What are you waiting for?

You know you love it.

Restaurant gift certificates on the cheap teams up with restaurants and bars all over the place and offers gift certificates at a fraction of the cost (i.e. $25 for $10, anyone?) which is a great deal already, right? Sure.

But wait, there's more! What about 80-90% off that $10 for a $25 gift certificate? Yeah, I'm talking $2 for a $25 to some of the yummiest, chicest, and most creative digs in town. How do you make that happen, you ask? Code "WOW". They have a deal like this at the end of every month to clear out stock but the code changes. Sweet, huh? If you need the code at the end of next month, just let me know and I'll hook you up.

How it works: So you go through the site and see which restaurants are in your city (or in a city you'll soon be traveling to!) and check out the details of the deal i.e. only good Sunday through Thursday, or must be on a $50+ tab, and make sure it's something you're ok with. From there, you add it to your cart, buy it, and print! Voila! Make sure to hand it to your server first thing when you get there, though--just to make sure, better safe than paying full price! Most of them are good for 1 year from purchase.

No, you're not allowed to use this on a first date. Really the first 4-5 dates. But after that, it's fair game.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Free Fekkai!

Nope, it's not a new reference to some new imprisoned dude. It's free hair stuff season at Saks Fifth Avenue! Really and truly, is there anything better than free? I don't think so.

All that to say: it's for one day only: August 26, making it a worthy lunch-time run-about opportunity since they'll probably run out again pretty quickly this year...last go-around, they required you to bring a trade-in shampoo. I brought a brand new bottle of just-bought untouched by human hands Suave and got Fekkai. Whatever, I'm pragmatic and saved like $30. This year, no quickie Walgreens run is needed.

So how, you ask, do you do this? Fill out this form and bring it on in to Saks in your neighborhood. One per customer, no purchase necessary. Also, while you're there, get a squirt of perfume...and maybe a sample. If you're gonna free-load, better do it right!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Do you GroupOn?

So Woot is cool and all, and it was started around the corner from me in STL, but it doesn't exactly fall into the category of recessionistaism...know what does? Groupon.

If you're not already signed up for their daily deals, you're missing out. Yes, I know it's hard, but you have been, and someone had to break it to you. Some of the awesome deals I've bought in the past 6 months include: a facial for $35, $19 for 5 yoga classes, and $30 for $75 dollars of credit to a local boutique I spend too much time in. They have awesome deals on a regular basis, so definitely sign up for their daily e-mails so you can stay in-the-know...oh, and get "G" credits you can use as cash on the site. Yep, just checking out the deal, you get rewarded, and if you buy you get more points. Instant gratification.

Oh, you don't live here in the humid version of the 3rd ring of Hell? Check out the other cities Groupon services. As a matter of fact, keep an eye out for good deals in places you're going to be vacationing as well--I got a deal for a massage and scrub for a fancy spa New York a couple months back. It was awesome, but make sure you call the place before buying to make sure they're available when you'd like the appointment or reservation.

Hi, my name is Effie and I'm a Groupon junkie.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

VS free stuff and discounts, anyone?

It's pretty common knowledge that Victoria's Secret is the bane of my wallet's existence. Especially since I got the Angel card and they keep sending me coupons. The rogues.

That's neither here nor there. Even if you aren't a cardholder (save yourselves!) you can still come to the VS Pink Nation event on Sunday, July 18 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at West County Mall (Saint Louis). They also have one going in Columbia and a number of other states at the same time, so if you're not 'round these parts, you can still go.

Why would you want to tempt yourself, you ask? Because they generally give a pretty generous discount off of everything (both VS and Pink) stuff, have a giveaway of some sort (free tote anyone?) and give away gift cards on a regular basis. My lucky sister got a $50 card at the Christmas event, which instills some hope for you and me!

You can also use your coupons in conjunction with the discounts they give in my experience. Oh yes, it's delightful.

Heck, why not, right? Don't forget, though, you need to sign up and print your ticket to get in.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sample Sale Website Invites

There's this online shopping phenomenon that makes it super easy to get extremely cheap chic items on a limited basis. It's essentially like going to a New York sample sale, but rather than risking a black eye from an over-zealous shopper with sharp elbows, you can check out new items at a fraction of the price online.

Most sales open at 10am or 11am CT every day, and you can generally get the e-mails outlining the sales that week so you can gauge if you want to hit the refresh button every 2 seconds leading up to the sale (exactly what I did with the Joe's Jeans and Smashbox sales this year).

Yep, they're free--no membership, and they won't ask for your credit card before you actually want to buy something.

For most, you need personal invites to get in--and I got your hookup:

Gilt Group



Row Nine

Beyond The Rack


The Sample Sale

Editors Closet:
the problem with this one is that there isn't a link for comment on here with your e-mail and I'll send you an invite :)

Be Warned: The good stuff (especially when it's cheap) goes quick on all these sites!